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Pinterest Party

Hello World!

Long time, no post!  It seems like I have had little-to-no free time lately. I have just been so busy working two jobs and concentrating on school. Also, my late-2007 Macbook Pro has started to show its old age- so I have been avoiding 'stressing it out' by running intense programs like Photoshop on it. lol

In the midst of all this chaos and stress, I did host a small Pinterest Party to celebrate my 23rd birthday! I bought enough supplies for myself and four other people to complete a few crafts. Everyone invited was asked to bring a food/drink inspired by a Pinterest recipe.

The crafts I had were:
~ Fabric covered canvases + contact paper + paint to create DIY home decor
~ Light switches, to be covered with Mod Podge and glitter (sadly I have no pictures of these.)
~ Wooden signs. (This actually was an impromptu craft. I had a pile of scrap wood sitting in my craft room, and everyone loved the old, barn wood, so they made even more signs with these.)

I made creamsicle drinks. (Whipped Vodka, orange soda and whipped cream.)

The straws looked so cute, but they did not hold up in liquid.

I also really wanted a Barbie cake for my bday, so I spent four hours making this beauty. She was so heavy! I used 2.5 containers of frosting, 1 box of chocolate cake and 1 box of brownie mix (to make her dress taller.)

Excuse the terrible photo- my camera was hating me all night. I made Bacon Cheddar (aka Crack) dip. It was GOBBLED down so fast! Find the recipe here: Link.

One of my friends made Nutella Cupcakes. 

One of my other friends loves recipes that involve Pillsbury crescent rolls, so she made apple-pie turnovers.

She also made "Brie Kisses" with the crescent rolls and raspberry dipping sauce.

Another friend made homemade flatbread with fresh veggies, herbs and balsamic vinegar on top. 

To balance out her healthy dish, she made melting snowman cookies with cake balls as heads.

Here is my little crafting setup. I HIGHLY encourage buying a cheap tablecloth. (Mine was less than a dollar at Walmart.) It protected my table from hot glue, glitter + mod podge, and paint.

While making our signs. 

All the signs made at the party. I only ended up making one because I am such a perfectionist. lol

Here is one of my friend's signs. She is involved in horse polo and cut the silhouette out of contact paper with an exacto knife. 

Here is my sign. My dad always tells me to 'stay golden' and enjoy being young. I used sticker letters and there was some blow-out of paint under the stickers, so I glued pearl beads on those spots to cover them. :)

Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea to have a Pinterest party :) I might have to steal it!
